Motor Sister have never been afraid to show their influences. In fact, they started out as a Mother Superior cover band before branching off to do their own material. But their love of music isn't just related to Mother Superior and they know their way around a cover or two, so we decided to reach out and see which cover songs are the favorites of the band's members.

In this list, singer Pearl Aday, guitarist Scott Ian and singer-guitarist Jim Wilson take us down the rabbit hole with their favorite covers of all-time. In fact, some of these covers are so good, you may not realize they were actually covers because these versions stand out so much.

As you might expect, the members of the band are quite well versed on hard rocking covers, but they also show an equal knack for finding the gems in some soul and R&B classics as well.

Before we jump into their choices, check out some of what Motor Sister can do. The track "Right There, Just Like That" arrives today (April 13) to rev up your soul. "The riff was so driving and sexy, the song had to be about a girl who just wants to have fun," says Wilson. "And it really shows the strength we have with two strong singers."

"Right There, Just Like That" is featured on the band's Get Off album, due May 6. Get your pre-orders in right here.

Motor Sister, "Right There, Just Like That"

Now check out Motor Sister's picks for their favorite cover songs below. Take it away, Pearl and Scott and stay tuned for Jim's picks a little further down.

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