Limp Bizkit haven't spent as much time in the spotlight over the last decade, so a look at singer Fred Durst nowadays might be a little bit jarring for some who still remember him as the red cap-wearing omnipresent face of MTV circa 1999-2000. Durst recently scrapped a majority of his Instagram account, leaving only a sole new photo showcasing a new look that has yielded plenty of response online.

The photo shows Durst showcasing wavy greying hair and a long handlebar mustache with the caption, "Thinking about you 70" with a spaceship emoji.

Given the lockdown of the past year, many people allowed their facial hair and locks to grow a little more, and it looks like Durst has taken that new facial landscape and trimmed it to his liking. There is also some speculation that while the 'stache appears legit, the wavy coiffed hair could be a wig.

Among those commenting on the Instagram post was fellow turn of the millennium frontman Scott Stapp, who offered, "Handsome fella right there. What can I say."

But the internet being the internet, there were plenty of commenters attempting to describe the exact feel that Durst's new look was projecting with their own brand of humor. Some likened the look to late '90s James Hetfield, another mentioned modern day Jon Bon Jovi. Others stepped outside the music world to draw comparisons to Owen Wilson, Nick Nolte and Julian Assange.

Have a closer look at Durst's new look and see some of the comments below.

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