Over the past few years, from20 has released a series of synth bangers that firmly established him as one of my favorite artists working in K-pop. With new single Demon, he makes a slight shift into funk pop, retaining his slick sound and catchy hooks.

This sound isn’t quite as thrilling to me, mainly because it’s already been traversed by many other K-pop acts this decade. from20 brings plenty of flair to the groove, but the song could do with more breathing room. At just two and half minutes, it misses the chance to unveil one final knockout chorus. This has me thinking back to classic funk workouts from artists like Prince and Michael Jackson. Those songs — even the singles — often stretched for five minutes or longer, giving the artist a chance to really sink their teeth into the rhythm and gradually work the track into a frenzy.

Demon is solid enough. After all, everything from20 releases is solid. His vocals are smooth and engaging and the song offers natural moments of build that let him show off. I just want more of it.


Grade: B

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