It’s been a pretty dire week for K-pop releases, and I’m getting a little tired of griping about things I don’t like when it comes to songwriting and execution. So, I want to flip the script and focus on the things that appeal to me in a pop song. I thought about making this the focus of tomorrow’s open discussion post, but it felt like a bigger question than that.

So, what makes a great K-pop song? The answer is, of course, entirely subjective. But, here are the aspects that tend to make me fall head-over-heels for a track. Unfortunately, few of them are in vogue at the moment.

Big vocal melody

I’ve always enjoyed singing along with pop music. I mean, who doesn’t? K-pop likes to sprinkle big power notes here and there throughout a song, but I prefer when those impressive vocal moments make up the actual melody. Give me a huge, sung chorus – not a chant or a random volley of forgettable sing-talk. This is one of the reasons I loved Golden Child’s Burn It so much last year. It’s also why GFriend’s early discography was so strong and memorable.

Funky, syncopated rhythm

Personal taste is built upon past experience, and I happened to grow up in the golden age of the Jacksons. I love a funky rhythm, and an intricate groove that just doesn’t stop. Please don’t kill that groove with a dull pre-chorus or tempo-shifting drop. Trust in the strength of your rhythm and let it grow to fuel the entire track. Add a ton of syncopation to really bring life to that beat.

Propulsion and payoff

You all know I love songs that build and build and keep chugging along. This doesn’t mean every track needs to be brisk and up-tempo, but my favorite songs have a well-designed sense of build and payoff. They don’t just lurch here and there like warring fragments slammed together. Every element is a part of the whole, contributing to a satisfying through-line that takes you on a musical journey. In the end, a great song just needs to feel like it’s moving toward a destination, wherever that may be.

A sense of fullness

Plenty of listeners prefer a more subdued, minimalist approach to songwriting. That’s certainly been the preferred style for much of pop music in the late 2010’s. But, I’ve always enjoyed a more robust sound. That’s why I love Sweetune’s work. Their arrangements are so smooth and multi-layered, filling the entire sonic spectrum with sounds and textures. Vocal layering and harmony also add this sense of fullness, vaulting even a so-so song to another level.

Catchy melodies with a unique twist

When it comes down to it, just give us melodies we can remember. This is easier said than done, especially with decades of pop music covering pretty much every melodic structure imaginable. But, my ears will always be attuned to flourishes and refrains that surprise in delightful ways. Take The Kid Laroi’s big 2021 hit Stay, for example. It chugs along nicely until we hit that surprising key change in the chorus. Speaking of key changes… we need more of them! It’s an easy way to give a song that extra oomph and element of surprise.

These are some of my musical preferences. What about you? What makes a great K-pop song for you?

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