Our favorite colors can say a lot about us. They have an impact on our thoughts, emotions and behaviors every day. The colors we love often embody the very essence of who we are under the hood.

This is especially true in the rock and metal world, as the music of our favorite artists can sonically represent the traits associated with each color. Many artists even have colors represented in their names (Black Sabbath, Code Orange, and Pink Floyd just to name a few), but we'll tackle that a bit more in-depth in a bit here.

The study of how color affects our personality traits is known as color psychology. A recent piece published by Big Think took a look at the concept, so, of course, we wanted to apply it rock and metal fans and bands!

Want to know what kind of person you are? Take a look below to see what your favorite color says about you, and even find out which artists embody the traits of certain colors.

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